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How to Exercise Heart? Cardiac Exercises

How to do Heart Exercises?

How to exercise the heart is a common vernacular, which means how to exercise can make the heart better. It is very important for the heart to be effectively protected. Of course, exercise is mainly aerobic exercise, and aerobic exercise is a series of walking, jogging, tai chi, etc., and cannot do strenuous exercise. In the Heart Declaration, there is a sentence called moderate exercise, so exercise must be moderate, not strenuous exercise. At present, in order to effectively recover from heart disease, people with heart disease also advocate exercise, but exercise must be moderate and not violent. Generally, it is not recommended that everyone do vigorous exercise to protect the heart. Especially for patients with heart disease, exercise is very important. But exercise must be done in moderation. Do some aerobic exercise, such as walking, jogging, yoga, playing Tai Chi, etc. Do not do some very strenuous exercises such as weightlifting and fitness, so as not to backfire.


Exercises of heart

What are the best ways to exercise your heart?

Exercise the heart can use aerobic exercise to exercise, such as walking, jogging, swimming, yoga and so on. Long-term adherence can promote the increase of physical fitness, enhance the blood circulation of the whole body, and change the elasticity of blood vessels. Among them, walking is the simplest aerobic exercise. 

Walking for more than 30 minutes a day can improve cardiopulmonary function, increase oxygen uptake, and reduce blood pressure, blood lipids, and blood sugar.

Swimming is also a systemic exercise for exercising cardiovascular fitness.

During swimming, the heart will fully expand the microcirculation, supply oxygen and blood to the heart, and also have a certain exercise effect on human nerves, muscles, and breathing.

Jogging and yoga are also advocated whole-body exercises, which can relax the mind, maintain a good mood, increase the oxygen uptake of the myocardial microcirculation, and at the same time promote blood circulation.

However, in the process of exercising, you should also choose the exercise method that suits you.

The amount of exercise also needs to be gradual, and you should exercise according to your physical condition and heart function.

If you have heart disease or have undergone cardiac surgery, you should not engage in strenuous exercise, so as not to cause heart discomfort caused by excessive exercise. Regular review is recommended for preventive measures.

Infographics on heart


What physical condition should I keep in mind while exercising my heart?

Condition analysis: the so-called exercise heart. It is through the purpose of exercise, so as to create a strong contraction of the heart muscle, and a sufficient amount of blood is ejected each time. In this case, exercising cardiopulmonary function is the most effective way to exercise the heart.

If you are usually good at exercising and you are young, you can choose sports with a slightly higher intensity in this case, for example, jogging for more than 30 minutes and swimming for more than 30 minutes.

Infographics showing physical condition to keep in mind while exercising heart

If you are not good at exercising and you are older, in this case, it is recommended to walk at least 10,000 steps a day.


What is the best exercise to exercise the heart?

It is best to do some aerobic exercise, such as jogging, mountain climbing, etc. It takes long-term persistence to keep your weight not exceeding the standard. Drink plenty of water, eat less oil and less salt, and avoid spicy and irritating foods.

Keep the frequency of exercise three to four times a week in order to exercise the purpose of the heart.

In the early stage of rheumatic heart disease, there are often no obvious symptoms, and in the later stage, it is manifested as palpitation, shortness of breath, fatigue, cough, limb edema, and coughing up pink foamy sputum, until death due to heart failure.

Jogging, brisk walking, tai chi, yoga, cycling, swimming, etc. are all exercises that exercise the heart.


What should be the interval between meals and heart exercises?

It is recommended that the interval between meals and cardiac exercise should be at least 1 hour, and the amount of exercise should be from small to large, time from short to long, and gradually.


What are some simple exercises to protect heart?

In general, there are many sports that are beneficial to the heart, but the specifics still depend on individual circumstances.

 People with bad heart are not recommended to do some strenuous exercise, because excessive exercise will increase the load on the heart. 

Excessive exercise or blind exercise may not be good for heart health:

Below are 6 simple exercises to protect heart:


1. Squat

Squatting is a heart-healthy exercise. The method of squatting is very simple. For example, keep your feet apart, shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms forward, relax your waist and bend your knees and start to squat slowly, and then keep your upper body straight, stay for about 10 seconds, do the retraction action with both hands and waist, stand up slowly with akimbo, pay attention to breathing during the whole process.


It is recommended to repeat 20 times each time, squat 1-2 times a day, pay attention to the whole squat movement breathing. To cooperate, to avoid violent up, to prevent head ischemia and hypoxia.


2. Jogging

Jogging can be done 5 times a week, half an hour each time, because jogging is more effective than fast walking, jogging can make the heart rate faster, breathing deepen, lung capacity increase, and it can increase the total blood supply and increase the capillary blood flow.


Density, can provide a lot of nutrients for the body.


3. Skipping rope

Skipping rope is good for strengthening the heart. It is recommended to skip rope five times a week for more than 20 minutes each time.

Infographics showing how skipping rope is good for strengthening the heart

Skipping rope can speed up gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase blood flow, promote the metabolism of the whole body, and enhance the function of human cardiovascular and nervous system.


4. Tai Chi

Tai Chi is practiced five times a week, 20 minutes each time. Because Tai Chi can relax the muscles of the whole body, increase the oxygen supply in the lungs, and make the heart congested, people who practice Tai Chi regularly can effectively prevent various heart diseases.

Infographics showing Tai Chi for heart


5. Yoga

Yoga for heart is advantageous in:

  • Betterment of heart rate
  • Lowering blood pressure.
  • Increasing lung capacity
  • Boosting blood circulation
  • Reducing bad cholesterol levels
  • And many more

Yoga is effective in dealing with stress and pressure which itself heals a heart patient.


Infographics showing yoga exercises for heart

What are some effective yoga exercises for heart?

Some yoga exercises for heart are:

Vrikshasana ( Tree pose )


Tadasana ( Mountain pose )


Trikonasana ( Triangle pose )


Utthita Hastapadasana (Extended hands and feet pose)


Adho Mukho Svanasana


Marjariasana ( Cat pose )


Utkatasana ( Chair pose )


Veerabhadrasana ( Warrior pose ) 


Salamba Sarvangasana ( Half shoulder stand pose )


Setu Bandhasana ( Bridge pose )


Dhanurasana ( Bow pose )


Bhujangasana ( Cobra pose )


Ardha Pincha Mayurasana ( Dolphin pose )


Anjali Mudra ( Salutation seal )


Paschimottanasana ( Two legged forward bend pose )


Ardha Matsyendrasana ( Sitting half spinal twist pose )


Shavasana ( Corpse pose )


Salamba Bhujangasana ( Sphinx pose )


Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana ( Dolphin plank pose )


Dandasana ( Stick pose )




6. Swimming

Swimming is also a systemic exercise that protects the heart. Those who insist on swimming will increase the size of the heart and increase the elasticity of the blood vessel wall, which can also effectively prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, especially swimming will not damage the joints.

Infographics showing swimming exercises

Air running is more advantageous.


The above exercise methods have great benefits for protecting the heart. Any kind of rhythmic, systemic, and long-term aerobic metabolic exercise is of great help to improve the vitality of the heart and enhance the cardiovascular function. 

In addition to exercise to protect the heart, coenzyme q10 can also be supplemented in daily life.

 Purple-coenzyme q10 is a coenzyme that improves myocardial metabolism. It can effectively enhance myocardial vitality and protect myocardial cells. If people with poor hearts take it properly, it will improve very well (click to view product details).


What is the easiest way to exercise heart?

The easiest way to exercise the heart is aerobic exercise, with brisk walking and jogging as the main form of exercise.

In sports, it is necessary to cooperate with resistance, stretching, or balance training, which will help the fun of sports, and at the same time, it can increase balance ability and reduce injuries during sports.


Infographics showing Some simple exercises for heart and body

The amount of aerobic exercise needs to be evaluated objectively. Since the amount of exercise is different for everyone, if the amount of exercise is too small, the purpose of improving cardiopulmonary function may not be achieved. 

Excessive exercise may increase the burden on the heart of patients with heart disease, which may have adverse effects. Therefore, before exercising, it is necessary to conduct an exercise ability evaluation, including bare-handed exercises, such as a six-minute walking test, a cardiopulmonary exercise test, and a four-minute walking test, etc., through the evaluation to understand the maximum heart rate that can be achieved during exercise.


What is the maximum heart rate to exercise the safest?

The usual exercise prescription is 60%-70% of the maximum heart rate to exercise the safest, and during exercise, gentle exercise, moderate amount of activity, and intermittent high-intensity activity are alternated, which is more helpful for increasing cardiopulmonary function.


A pie chart showing heart rate zones

What is the most basic way to do heart exercise?

From the perspective of physical exercise, cardiopulmonary function is the basis of all sports. The easiest and most basic way of heart exercise is low-intensity, long-term continuous aerobic exercise.

The so-called low-to-moderate intensity means that the heart rate does not exceed 70% of the maximum heart rate during exercise.

Chart showing basic heart exercises

Regarding the maximum heart rate, in simple terms, you can use 220 minus age as the formula. For example, if you are 40 years old this year, the maximum heart rate is 180 times. This is a relatively safe calculation formula, especially for people who lack exercise for a long time. Therefore, from the perspective of sports, cardiopulmonary function is the basis of all sports, and the best exercise method is low-intensity long-term aerobic exercise.


What cardiac exercise should I use?

According to the conclusions of the current general research, ten cycles of continuous cardiac exercise at a frequency of 2-3 times a week can be used as a cycle. After the cycle is over, the cardiopulmonary function will be improved in a step-by-step manner.

Especially for people with poor cardiopulmonary function and lack of exercise, the range of exercise can be increased, which varies according to the physical quality, which is basically reflected in the maximum oxygen uptake, which should be between 5% and 25%.

It must be emphasized that if there is a lack of physical exercise, high-intensity exercise should not be adopted, which is harmful to the heart. Even for people who exercise for a long time, high-intensity physical training and physical exercise should be kept within a certain range to avoid excessive exercise.

Cardiac exercising

Labor increases the burden on the heart. Therefore, it is recommended that people who have some family history of heart disease, or who want to exercise heart function, start from now on, carry out brisk walking, jogging, or some relatively acceptable physical strength, such as swimming, etc. Such a continuous aerobic exercise, with intensity fluctuations at medium and low intensity, is very beneficial for the improvement and improvement of the entire heart function.


What is the recommended exercise measures for cardiovascular or heart protection?

At present, the recommended exercise measures for cardiovascular or heart protection should be classified according to people with or without serious heart disease.


The specific analysis is as follows:

1. Healthy people or people without serious heart disease: including jogging, brisk walking, swimming, cycling, mountain climbing and aerobics, etc., moderate-intensity exercise is acceptable, but the accumulation of time should be emphasized, such as daily exercise time exceeding 30 minutes , and at least 5 days a week;


2. People with heart disease: If the patient has a recent myocardial infarction or severe heart failure, the above exercise intensity is not suitable. There are no fixed requirements for patients' exercise methods. Specifically, they should perform exercises that match their physical strength under the guidance of the attending doctor. For example, patients with acute myocardial infarction should rest for 1-3 months, and activities should be limited to self-care activities.

After 3 months, the condition is stable, and you can gradually take a walk, and the distance of the walk should be gradually increased according to your tolerance. After 6 months, start to increase the intensity of exercise, and the intensity should also be based on your physical strength and the feeling of your heart.


What type of exercises shall I choose for heart?

To exercise the heart, you can choose slow sports such as swimming, jogging, hiking, and cycling.

The heart is an important myogenic organ in vertebrates. Its main function is to provide pressure for blood flow, promote blood flow in blood vessels in the circulatory system, and transport blood to various parts of the body.

The human heart is located in the lower left corner of the middle of the chest. About the size of a fist and weighs about 250 grams.

Women's hearts are usually smaller and lighter than men's.

The heart is mainly composed of myocardium and has endocrine functions.

The interior of the heart is divided into two distinct left and right halves by the cardiac septum, each of which in turn is divided into atria and ventricles, namely the left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium and right ventricle.

The ipsilateral atrium and ventricle are connected to the joint chamber opening. The atria receive veins and the ventricles send out arteries.

The four chambers of the heart are the only means of systemic and pulmonary circulation.

To exercise the heart, you can choose slow exercise methods, such as swimming, jogging, mountaineering, cycling, etc., continuous exercise for more than 30 minutes, at least 2 times a week, which can give a good exercise to the heart. This swimming method is recommended. 

Swimming has an exercise effect on human nerves, respiration, digestion, muscles, and blood circulation.

It is a relaxed and pleasant systemic exercise method. The time is 30min-1h/time, and you exercise 2-3 times a week. This can have a better effect.

Exercising the heart can actually exercise the whole body.

Any exercise needs to choose the exercise method according to the individual situation.

Non-professional athletes must not use high-intensity exercise methods if they have not exercised before.


What things shall I keep in mind for healthy heart apart form exercises?

Heart disease patients should have good living habits, and they should maintain a happy and stable mood in peacetime. There should be no violent mood swings, such as sudden anger or great joy and sadness. These are all causes of heart failure and even myocardial infarction. 

Physical activity and other things for heart

In terms of diet, you should focus on light and easily digestible food, do not eat greasy and indigestible food, and eat more vegetables and fruits to avoid constipation.

Pie chart showing healthy diet for healthy heart

Sometimes constipation can lead to an acute heart attack or even sudden death. Basic emergency medicines should be sufficient, and emergency medicines should be provided at any time.


 Author's Bio

Name: Ian Skyler

Education: MBBS, MD

Occupation: Medical Doctor 

SpecializationCommunity Medicine, General Surgery, Natural Treatment

Experience: 18 Years as a Medical Practitioner


How to Exercise Heart? Cardiac Exercises Reviewed by Medical Fitness Journal on September 07, 2022 Rating: 5

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